If you find yourself in a fair fight ... you did not prepare enough

Alphadog 10 years Anniversary

Posted: Dec 10 2015

In 2015 Alphadog Celebrated its 10 year anniversary. It's been an amazing 10 years.... We started around the time when MMA and the UFC was just gaining nationwide approval... Alphadog was one of the companies on the front-lines of Mixed Martial Arts Themed Gear and Athletic Wear...  and 10 years in - we are still standing...  we have seen our brothers, our fellow Martial Arts Enthusiasts and their fight gear companies come and go... some became a house hold name and went out with a bang... some fizzled away... regardless... it was a truly exciting  time for the sport, for the fans, and everyone involved...  We are very proud to be part of that MMA revolution... 

In this 10 years...  we kept moving and kept evolving... one of the rules of war we followed... General Sun Tzu would have been proud.... You have seen Alphadog sponsored UFC Fighters, Boxers, Body Builders, Wing Suit Flying Dare Devils, Celebrities, Musicians, Jet Pilots, Monstertruck Drivers.... and who knows what 2016 brings...  one thing is for sure... we will keep evolving... with a name like Alphadog...  we have to be the first on the line....

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